When I was given the opportunity by my dear friend Ali to create felted wool beanbags for her PHD end presentation i was delighted ,not knowing what would be a had of me creating three large Beanbags for the sound installation room.

The presentation was to be in may so i had about three months to do my part and i needed all that time,I was new to felting ,just learning when I took on this big job.

I got a bit injured because of the circular movements I had to make with my hands,after the project i found out there were tools available to make the process of making felt go quicker.
There were pieces of felt everywhere ...so I had rest underneath.

before I started to sew the pieces together.

The making flourished.

a look into the white room.

listening to sounds coming from the parabolic speakers,the whole purpose for the position of the beanbags was so people could listen to underwater sounds coming from the speakers in a relaxed mode.

.my friends exhibition was called :in another light and the theme taken was the movement of kelp or for me: underwater tree's.

As kids do playing with the beanbags was fun.

In between I did manage to make us costumes to look the part,I am wearing a creation inspired by seaweed,my dear friend Ali is wearing a creation inspired by jelly fish.

To have been able to work on something so big has been such a privilege for me ,we had a lot of fun too My doctor friend Ali is very dear to me ...i do not know if I ever will make a beanbag again but never say never,in the meantime Dingo has taken over the beanbag as being his favorite sleeping place (of course).

I also could not have done this project without the moral support from my lovely sister.