I have been away but not far ..I have been warm and protected..I have been happy and sad..I have been waiting long for the arrival of loved ones ..i have been overwhelmed by fear but felt hope...i have been well really, and i hope you all are good too..I have missed my blog adventures and reading other story's too.
Hello my friend Mona
Has your family been...
It is so nice to hear your voice again...
Does Dingo have a new friend too...
Happy days
You have been missed too,hope all is well,and life is treating you good? love,hugs
Dear Mona,
You have been missed and how lovely to hear from you again.
Have you a new pussycat?
I hope that you are well and happy.
Hello Lady's!!
Thank you for your comments I was afraid I might be forgotten..The cats (Picture) are not mine but from a place where I worked I while ago,Dingo has been spending lots of time by himself because I am not around as much but he has my Dad to keep him company..the whole family visit took a different turn when my Dad was admitted to hospital having a stroke,because of the surgery to his brain he cant travel back to Holland unaccompanied so my Sister is arriving from Holland in a week time and when he has the all clear from the doctors he will be returning home.life has been very stressful.
I have been well,working hard and I am still in love!.
thank you for coming you are all lovely xxx
Schat,wat naar om te horen over je pa,o,liferd,ik hoop dat jullie het kunnen inhalen,en dat ieder op zijn/haar pootjes terecht komt.Hou je soepel in deze stressvolle tijden en ik wens jullie veel goeds toe,liefs en knoef en miauw van mij,:O)
Ik ben nu al 2 week heel erg ziek,weer antibiotica,maar hoop dat ik buik spieren sterker en strakker krijg door al dat gehoest.:O)Ciao bella!
Hello there! You have been missed! Hope you've been tatting while you've been gone! ☺ Come and say "hello" sometime!
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