Thursday, June 18, 2009

It takes two

There is a smile of love
And there is a smile of smiles
In which these two smiles meet.


Draffin Bears said...

Hi Mona,

I hope that you are doing well.
Glad that you have some smiles in your life.


June Saville said...

You love bird Mona! Wonderful.
Enjoy ...
June also in Oz

Mona said...

Hi Carolyn..sorry I have been neglecting you i really dont mean to!
i am all smiles because my blog friends are still with me that makes me happy too!

xxx Mona

Mona said...

hello June,how nice of you to pass by and yes i am enjoying life at its best at the moment!

xxx Mona

Unknown said...

Awww...that is very sweet!
Thanks for the comment on my blog today. Glad you could come back down to earth for but a moment to say hello! :)

Delwyn said...

Hi Mona

I think about you each day but just wanted to leave you alone for a while - you know why....

I'll email you later my friend...

keep chirping love songs...

Happy Days

Eleonora Baldwin said...

Ciao Mona,
smiling attracts smiles! Very glad you're happy.


Mona said...

Tatting chic...i wont forget my blogging friends!

xxx Mona

Mona said...

Delwyn..once again thank you so much for your support it means the world to me!

xxx Mona

Mona said...

Hello Lola!..You are so wright!

xxx Mona

Aleks said...

MOOOONAAAAAAA waar ben je? Ik miss je! Ik hoop dat je erg gelukkig bent met je niuwe vlam,laat je het weten aub? of dat zo is?Maar ik neem aan dat het zo gaat,geen nieuws,goed nieuws! Toch?!? LOVE AND HUGS birdies and Dingotjens miauw, :O)))

About Me

My photo
Brisbane, queensland, Australia
Love for Art