Tuesday, October 13, 2009


Baby Tawny frog mouth it is time to go.
But Daddy can i stay.
I am only 25 day's old.
Pretty please.

Thursday, October 8, 2009


My Brother.
Is young at heart.
Will be a Dad for the first time.
Music is his passion.
The Trumpet his companion.
I am his little sister and I love him...

Monday, September 28, 2009

Hello where are you???

I have been away but not far ..I have been warm and protected..I have been happy and sad..I have been waiting long for the arrival of loved ones ..i have been overwhelmed by fear but felt hope...i have been well really, and i hope you all are good too..I have missed my blog adventures and reading other story's too.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thursday, June 18, 2009

It takes two

There is a smile of love
And there is a smile of smiles
In which these two smiles meet.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Thinking of my blog friends

I know I have been neglecting my blog friends a little,I just looked and my last post was on the 16 of may...I am just having such a good time ,I am having a ball and I am sure that when you read the above you will understand ?...

Saturday, May 16, 2009


Today I walked around "The Hood" making pictures of all the flowers i came across ..native flower,,garden flowers,lonely street flower,fence flower,pot flower,favorite flower and even a street sign flower all beautiful and colour full..
This native flower in bloom smells like honey and when you touch it honey drops fall out,very sweet .

click on image to enlarge
There where so many flowers i had to fit them in a collage.
From Leonard street through Churchill st across the bridge on Deshon rd short walk through the park along the mangroves a little bit over busy old Cleveland road into Maynard st,flower street and right turn back into Leonard st only a short walk to home where my favorite Pansy's were waiting for me..
Have a sunny and bright weekend.........xxx

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Morning delight

Shadow on the bridge where will you go today....

For a walk around the park

Warming up in the morning sun

Saturday, May 9, 2009


Dingo pretending to be fast asleep when a Butterfly had a look at his new polka dot collar .
The Butterfly liked his paws too.
What a sight !

Thursday, May 7, 2009

who is the owner?

Knitting a shawl is a long story one I started last winter with good spirit,determination to have it finished by the end of last winter... not!....picked it up a few weeks ago and under the watch full sleepy eye of Dingo my journey of evenings dedicated to the endless sound of needles knitting has finished in a Beautiful pink shawl made with silk and rabbit fur..so soft and gentle on the skin but hey!
Who is that taking ownership of my warm winter shawl?...huh!
Of course you guessed wright Dingo loves it too,all that hard work, watching for a long time has payed of, I will just have a rest now if you don't mind and Mona you can share it with me so now and then..thanks for knitting me uh and you this warm cosy dream away shawl.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


"artwork by me"
There are some days that make you laugh;days when little white clouds chase each other across a smiling sky,when little breezes play around the tree tops and tickle the leaves into laughter .
According to all traditions winter should be sad and silent ,and there should be no birds with happy song. But this dear ,contrary land of ours loves to upset traditions ,and instead of flying of to summer quarters ,or skulking in the bushes ,lots of birds are trilling forth their sweetest song.
from a bush calender .

I have been singing my own sweet song ,I am going too see my Dad and Brother in August!...The last time we were together - Five years ago- I am over the moon !

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Sometimes it happens,just feels wright,such a pleasure when
You are inspired. " watercolors on paper"
Brush follows effortless,everything in the correct place,colours are fluent,liner is steady.
I have to thank Delwyn from" A hazy moon" because she takes me with her when Walkabout through Forrest on the Sunshine coast.

Friday, April 24, 2009

I learn

The painting above I started when on Holidays in France that was a special time which i shared with a very good friend of mine,I had to think of her and thought about this painting how much I struggled to get it finished,I picked it out the other day and i was sad to see that all of the ink had started running,blotched every where! I remembered that I was compromising on buying good tools because of a low budget,i need a good liner to do all the detailing and I have learned my lesson well, a little bit too late for this one.
This painting i made shortly after finishing the top one ,i had this thing with copper paint great effects and fitted the atmosphere of summer for me,I gave this painting away to good friends in America ,This is the only picture I have of this painting and it is not a very good one,lesson learned always document your work properly,no matter what it is.

In that way I am a bit of a hoarder i safe every little bit of what I make because sometimes you make something and don't think the world of it but,when you see it again after a while it can be just what you need for that one project,I learned not to throw out even if I don't like it at the time.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Guard cat Dingo

Just about every day dingo comes and get me to go out in the garden for some play time,we play hide and seek (dont know why but he loves this game) runs after the ball ( me too) and we check every corner if every thing is still in the wright place,we watch the blue Skye but,is he really watching the blue Skye?
or is it the bird there on the top of the roof.I have known Dingo now for four years and I know he pretends to just have a relax flowerpot rest but....
what he really is doing is looking at these birds through the fence,he knows that the neighbor will feed the birds,every day,same place,same time and I know this too so I am alert.

he thinks i dont know that when he pretends too scratch his nails on the tree
or show his photogenic left side of his face
He is really looking at these birds ,I know that they know because it is every day he same story.
He loves our little wild garden so much that he is very protective of his space when innocent people with dogs pass bye he runs to the fence and (of course knowing he is safe behind the fence) protects it with his life! he stamps front legs firm on the soil and hisses and screams so laud the dog dont even want to sniff for a little while.
in particular this one lady with two dogs is afraid of Dingo attacking her dogs ,when she sees dingo she picks the dogs up and I have too laugh every time again!..I have a guard cat Called Dingo you see his name is very well chosen for this little Grey skinny cat,I did not know he was so curages when i found him that one day.
I know him very well and I know I have to watch him when we are in the garden,I guard him like a dog!

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Down the stream

Somewhere unknown to me you will float.
But I have made a wish.
Remember to be careful when you find
These flowers from my heart.
artwork by me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Magic is in the Air

There was magic in the air today the Skye was bluer then blue.
Autumn in Australia -I think- you can not get the weather any better then this,you feel like you are on the top of the world!.. I did today.

felt with silk thread and glass beats .
The days are a kind of hot but at night it is comfortable cool and with this cooler season coming closer i feel like KNITTING!
hand spun wools and silk.
Every winter i knit till late at night,spinning I have learned but don't do it as much because there is so much to do and little time!..at the moment I have several projects going on,painting,tatting,working in the garden and a stripping down paint job!...and soon i will be picking up my shawl I have been knitting since last winter.
I experiment a bit too. hand spun silk/wool with pearls and coral.
The bracelet I wear often. hand spun mohair with felt flower.
Have not been wearing the necklaces yet. hand spun silk with tatted flowers.
For me this season is very inspirational ,the shades at the end of the day inspire me to paint,the blue Sky's make me want to felt and then there are all the other things you want to do,cook a nice meal,go for a walk,play hide and seek with Dingo in the garden,chat with the neighbor and so on lets not forget Blogging and keeping in contact with family and friends...there is just not enough time in the day,it is great when your health is with you so you can do all of these things i am very grateful today.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

living with ants

I have been living with ants lately,I share my living space with these funny little creatures,the story started with just 4 living happy on my table nibbling on whatever I left laying around we gotten used to each other and I thought they must be homeless ants looking for a cosy place to live over the winter months and shelter from the rain.
As you know Ants do have large families my friends must have told all of their families members about this spot,my table,my couch,my bed,my food,my floor just about every where I have members of the family living in good harmony and clean they are as well.
But is this now getting out of hand?..when rains have passed will they return home and leave me in peace ?..well you see I do not know what to do as I am not for killing they deserve the world as much as I do
I deleted the footage because it was taken ages too load the page
look they are really nice!
I am sure that many people will just wipe them of the face of the earth and would not think twice about it but I just cant do it!..so I have to accept and wait till the rains have gone ooh and probably not having sweet things around on the table because just like me they have a sweet tooth!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Submarine sitting

When I was given the opportunity by my dear friend Ali to create felted wool beanbags for her PHD end presentation i was delighted ,not knowing what would be a had of me creating three large Beanbags for the sound installation room.

The presentation was to be in may so i had about three months to do my part and i needed all that time,I was new to felting ,just learning when I took on this big job.
I got a bit injured because of the circular movements I had to make with my hands,after the project i found out there were tools available to make the process of making felt go quicker.

There were pieces of felt everywhere ...so I had rest underneath.

before I started to sew the pieces together.

The making flourished.
a look into the white room.

listening to sounds coming from the parabolic speakers,the whole purpose for the position of the beanbags was so people could listen to underwater sounds coming from the speakers in a relaxed mode.

.my friends exhibition was called :in another light and the theme taken was the movement of kelp or for me: underwater tree's. As kids do playing with the beanbags was fun.In between I did manage to make us costumes to look the part,I am wearing a creation inspired by seaweed,my dear friend Ali is wearing a creation inspired by jelly fish.To have been able to work on something so big has been such a privilege for me ,we had a lot of fun too My doctor friend Ali is very dear to me ...i do not know if I ever will make a beanbag again but never say never,in the meantime Dingo has taken over the beanbag as being his favorite sleeping place (of course).I also could not have done this project without the moral support from my lovely sister.

About Me

My photo
Brisbane, queensland, Australia
Love for Art